Is there a time limit to complete a course?

There is no time limit in which to complete your course or webinar. Our courses are all pre-recorded to ensure the best quality, so you can complete them in as many sessions as required, the hub will save your progress as you work through your course.

If you have accessed/purchased an annual course, you will be able to access this course up until the beginning of the next academic year. At the beginning of each academic year, our annual courses are re-released and updated in line with any statutory guidance changes to ensure that you are always compliant.

If the course you have accessed/purchased is not annual, you will be able to access this indefinitely. We will not make a course unavailable unless the information becomes outdated, in which case the course will be replaced with an updated version.

You can tell if your course is annual, as it will have the word 'Annual' in the name, or it will have the academic year at the end of the course name.