Why is my watchlist not showing as complete when I have completed the courses

If your watchlist is not showing as complete but you have completed the courses, this is likely that the course in your watchlist is for the previous year or the course has been updated.

For annual courses, you will see the Academic year on the title of the course.

Please speak to your school manager to update your watchlist to include the new courses if your completion is not showing. 

For our 'Annual Certificate in the Prevent Duty' and 'Certificate in Understanding County Lines' - both of these courses have been updated.

On 31 December 2023, the new Prevent duty came into force in England and Wales. It is the biggest update in 8 years and replaces the previous document from 2015.

As the Prevent duty is statutory guidance, all education settings should understand these requirements as part of their wider safeguarding and welfare responsibilities. 

In line with the new guidance, we’ve recently updated our course on understanding the Prevent duty to reflect the latest changes for 2023/24. 

What does this mean if you’ve already completed the old course?

As our updated course now includes new Prevent duty requirements, you may wish to consider retaking the new course so that you’re fully compliant with the latest statutory guidance. 

Furthermore, you may notice that if our previous course formed part of your watchlists, your progression percentage will reduce as that course is no longer available and won’t count towards your completion rate.